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What Auto Insurance Companies Don’t Want You to Know When You Make a Claim

If you have been the victim of a car accident, there are many considerations that can arise. You might have physical injuries that require treatment and car repairs or replacements that must be made. Your first recourse is to file a claim with your own insurance company to obtain prompt compensation for medical bills and other costs.

But before you contact your insurance company, it is important that you are aware of your rights. While insurers claim they are there to protect you, there are certain things they do not want you to know about their practices, which enable them to deny your claim or give you as little money as possible. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Your insurance company is not on your side — The goal for an insurance company is always centered around paying out the least amount they can. A common tactic for an insurance provider is reducing the amount of your benefits by disputing the proofs of your damages.
  • Your initial phone call to your insurer will be recorded — It might be ingrained in you to call your insurance company right after an accident to report your claim. Be aware that the conversation will be recorded. That is why it is advisable you do not reach out to your insurance company at the scene of the accident, when your thoughts might be scattered. Wait until you have had time to compose yourself and to recall the facts with clarity.
  • Any statement you make to an insurance company can be used to deny your claim — Because insurance companies are in the business of denying or minimizing claims, they will examine your recorded statements for admissions of fault and use them to decrease your payout.
  • You can contact an attorney before you call your insurance company — Before contacting your insurance provider, it may be wise to consult with an experienced auto accident attorney, who can help you strategize about how to talk to your insurance company and to avoid saying anything that may hurt or hinder your case.
  • You are allowed to challenge a denied claim — If your car accident claim has been denied by your insurance company, you have options. An attorney can help you in the review process of your claim. It may be possible to have the insurance company accept new information to reevaluate your claim. In California, even if you are partially at fault for an accident, you may still be entitled to compensation.

If you are aware of what you are entitled to after experiencing a car accident, you have a better chance of your insurance claim getting approved.

Patterson Law in Santa Barbara is experienced in navigating car accident cases in California. We have helped people throughout the state with their car insurance claims. To learn more about how we can assist you, please call 888-479-4589 or contact us online.